Our Clubs
Club |
Description |
Teacher/Contact |
Math Counts Club | Students wishing to become a better thinker and solvers of mathematics. We compete with other middle schools in a math competition. Club members meet on Thursdays from 3:30-4:15 in room A210. | Ashley Seats aseats@lexington1.net |
Jr. Beta Club | Students must make a 90 or higher in every class. The mission of the Jr. Beta Club is to promote ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among elementary and secondary schools. We require at least 3 hours per semester of community service. New students invited in the first nine weeks. | Rachel Cooper rlcooper@lexington1.net |
Gator LOCC | The Gator LOCC Club is open to all students and is designed to promote an alcohol and drug free lifestyle. Gator LOCC Club meets on the 4th Thursday morning of each month (dates subject to change due to holidays-will be listed on the morning announcements), 7:30-8:00 in the 8th Grade House. The Gator LOCC Leadership team will meet on the 2nd Thursday morning of each month, 7:30-8:00 in Counseling Center. | Davis Myers dmyers@lexington1.net |
FCA | Christian based get-together. Inspirational Speakers. Students lead games, music and outreach opportunities for staff members and the student body. Meetings are open to anyone and everyone, not just athletes. Friday mornings, 7:35-8:05am in the auditorium | Ryan Miles rmiles@lexington1.net Ashley Willis awillis@lexington1.net |
District Art | Students have to audition with other students in the district and if selected the student will participate in the program at MGM doing projects that selected students across the district will also be doing at their respective schools.There are 18 students selected from each middle school to participate. There is no cost to the students. Tuesdays in the art room from 3:45-5:15 beginning the end of October (date not exact yet) | Jana Gardner jjgardner@lexington1.net students meet at MGES |
Meadow Glen Dance Company (MGDC) Elite | Students with extensive dance studio experience can audition for this group in May for the following year. Jazz, hip-hop, and contemporary experience reqiured. Performs at school events, District Dance events, Dancing with the Teachers and MGM Dance Showcases. Available for grades 6-8. Fees required. MGDC will meet Wednesday mornings from 7:15-8:05 in the dance room. Next audition will be MAY 2022. | Kara Corley kccorley@lexington1.net |
Honor Choir | Grades 6-8 may audition for this award-winning, competitive ensemble. Students who are selected should be prepared for quickly paced rehearsals, exciting music making opportunities, travel, and close friendships within the ensemble. Auditions take place at the beginning and end of the fall semester. This is a great opportunity for those who hope to refine their musicianship and prepare for great music making in high school and other performance opportunities. Honor Choir meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:15am to 8:05am. | Anna Lynch ablusk@lexington1.net |
Robotics | Open to 7th & 8th female and male students; tryouts are held in May and open to rising 7th and 8th graders. Learn to code a Lego Mindstorm robot, invent solutions for real world problems, and have crazy fun on a team. We have 4 teams at MGM. Robotics is an encore class that will meet every day during the Fall. | Cliff Roberts & Amy Dent cjroberts@lexington1.net adent@lexington1.net |
Archery Team | Available for all 6-8th graders. Try-outs are in October. Meets afterschool twice a week. | |
MGMS Book Club | This club is for those students who love books and reading and want to spread the word about books. Meetings: Tuesday mornings, 7:35 - 8:05 in the Learning Commons. Starting September 14th. | Lauren Black lblack@lexington1.net |
Anime Club | Come join us on Friday mornings in the Learning Commons as we talk about Anime/Manga! We talk about the culture, art style, and multiple series in the world of Anime/Manga. Starting September 17th. | Lauren Black lblack@lexington1.net |
Girls on the Run | For 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls. This club learns communication and collaboration skills while also training for a 5k in April. Registration starts in January. | |
Be a Fan Club | Be a Fan Club focuses on Special Olympic events, acceptance, and building relationships with all students. Open to all students 6-8th grade with application and teacher recommendations. We will begin meeting during SLT on Tuesdays. | Anna Stackhouse astackhouse@lexington1.net Jennifer Grant jgrant@lexington1.net |
Chinese Club | The Chinese club is open and welcome to all middle school students who appreciate Chinese Culture, PingPong, Chinese Food, Dragon and Lion Dance, Origami, Paper Cutting, Chinese Game ( Mahjong, Chinese Chess, Chinese Checkers), KungFu, Tai Chi Fan and Chinese Fan Dance, Chinese Painting, Chinese Song, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Peking Opera, Chinese Language and more. The purpose of creating a Chinese club is not only to welcome students currently studying Chinese, but more importantly to welcome students that have not yet had the opportunity to take Chinese classes or immersion classes and provide them an equal opportunity to learn about the beautiful Chinese culture and its deep rooted history. Further, we want our students to be able to learn from one another in this club and do it in a fun, creative and meaningful way. Meetings will be held every Monday mornings from 7:30 am - 8:00 am in the Chinese classrooms. We hope to see you there! |
Natalie Lukity nzhang@lexington1.net Yu Xin Wang ywang@lexington1.net |
Stock Market Game | Students will be in teams of 3-5 and will invest a virtual $100,000 in the stock market. This is a statewide competition; the top 3 teams in the state will be recognized at the state level. We plan to meet Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:05 in A210 | Ashley Seats aseats@lexington1.net |
Honors Theatre | Open to any MGM student who is interested in building their theatre skills, collaborating with others and having fun! This group represents MGM at a statewide theatre competition in the spring. Auditions are held after spring break each year and no prior experience is required. We meet after school as a whole group. Our 8th grader Honors Theatre students lead morning announcements each day. We'd love to have you! | Rachel Cooper rlcooper@lexington1.net |